Code of Ethics

The Ethical Foodbanking Code

As an associate member of Food Banks BC we adhere to their Privacy Policy / Code of Ethics as follows

Food Banks BC and its members believe that everyone in BC has the right to physical and economic access, at all times, to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences. As part of this commitment, Food Banks BC and its members agree to abide by the following set of ethics which also incorporates the Code of Ethics laid out by Food Banks Canada:

Food Banks BC and its Members and associated agencies will:

  1. Provide food and other assistance to those needing help regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, income source, age or mental or physical ability.
  2. Practice equity and access with fairness and transparency for all food bank recipients in the distribution of food.
  3. Treat all those who access services with the utmost dignity and respect.
  4. Implement best practices in the proper and safe storage and handling of food.
  5. Respect the privacy of those served and will maintain the confidentiality of personal information.
  6. Not sell donated food.
  7. Acquire and share food in a spirit of cooperation with other food banks and food programs.
  8. Strive to make the public aware of the existence of hunger, and of the factors that contribute to it.
  9. Recognize that food banks are not a viable long-term response to hunger, and devote part of their activities to reducing the need for food assistance.
  10. Represent accurately, honestly, and completely their respective mission and activities to the larger community.
  11. Practice ethical use and application of resources including but not limited to; food, equipment, donated materials and volunteer services.
  12. Practice fiscal accountability and responsibility in all aspects of the operation of the Food Bank, including full compliance with CRA and charitable receipting practices.
  13. Attend to and resolve any arising conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest by staff or volunteers.
  14. Practice sound governance, stewardship and fiduciary responsibility on the part of the Executive Director and Board of the Directors of the Food Bank.

News & Events

HungerCount 2024

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Perishable Access Update

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See All News & Events

It is with respect and gratitude that the Kamloops Food Bank acknowledges our presence on Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc territory situated within the unceded ancestral lands of the Secwépemcúl̓ecw. We are committed to learning and working towards reconciliation along with fostering a culture of respect and equality for all.

We are closed Today - Nov 7 due to treacherous road conditions.