Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Policy


The Kamloops Food Bank is committed to an equitable and accessible environment for ourclients, staff, board members, volunteers and donors. Our mandate is to share food and feedhope while adhering to our values of respect, integrity and compassion.

In fulfilling this mandate, we recognize that among those experiencing food insecurity, as well asthose who step up to support our mandate by working, volunteering or donating to the Food Bank, include racialized groups, Indigenous peoples, those with long term health conditions, the 2SLGBTQPIA+ community and people with disabilities. Likewise, the Kamloops Food Bank, like food banks across Canada, is serving an increasing number of refugees and people who have recently immigrated to Canada which has broadened the diversity of our client population.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that, through education, advocacy and oversight, the Kamloops Food Bank continuously strives to achieve the following:

We recognize that a commitment to equity, diversion and inclusivity is a continuous process, and we will continue to learn and find meaningful ways to eliminate barriers and promote equity and inclusion in all that we do.

Implementation Plan

The Kamloops Food Bank will give people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our services and resources in similar ways as other users. To do so we commit to the following:

Any of our existing policies that do not respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities will be modified or removed.

Diversity and Inclusion
At the Kamloops Food Bank, we strive to embrace, empower, and celebrate differences. To do so, we commit to the following:

Monitoring and Accountability
To ensure the effectiveness of this policy, the Kamloops Food Bank will:


The Kamloops Food Bank is dedicated to providing an equitable and accessible environment for our clients, staff and volunteers, and recognizing and accommodating the diversity of those we serve. We know that this is a process of listening, learning and continuous improvement and this policy guides our efforts.

Policy Approval

This policy has been reviewed and approved by the Kamloops Food Bank’s Board of Directors on July 23, 2024.

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HungerCount 2024

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Perishable Access Update

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It is with respect and gratitude that the Kamloops Food Bank acknowledges our presence on Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc territory situated within the unceded ancestral lands of the Secwépemcúl̓ecw. We are committed to learning and working towards reconciliation along with fostering a culture of respect and equality for all.

We are closed Today - Nov 7 due to treacherous road conditions.