Starfish Backpacks

This program began as a project of the Abbotsford Rotary Club. It was brought to Kamloops in 2016 by the Rotary Club of Kamloops. This program is operated as a collaborative effort between the Kamloops Food Bank, SD73, Rotary and dozens of local businesses and volunteers who together ensure 170 backpacks are delivered to school aged children to ensure they have enough to eat for the weekend. These bags are filled with easy-to-prepare, nutritious items and delivered to 18 schools in School District 73 every Friday morning.

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Feeding the Future

190 Backpacks filled with nutritious food throughout the school year.
50 Fridays children go home with nutritious food for the weekend.
57,000 Meals & Snacks provided throughout the school year.

Special Thanks to Our
Starfish Donors

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It is with respect and gratitude that the Kamloops Food Bank acknowledges our presence on Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc territory situated within the unceded ancestral lands of the Secwépemc Nation. We are committed to learning and working towards reconciliation along with fostering a culture of respect and equality for all.

We are closed Today - Nov 7 due to treacherous road conditions.