Annual Report 2024

President & CEO's Message
Bernadette Siracky

Reflecting on the past year, I find myself once again commencing with the familiar phrase, "Well – wasn't that a year." As we delve into the challenges and triumphs of the past 12 months, it becomes evident that our journey has been nothing short of extraordinary.

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Board Chair's Message
Tina Peters

The state of the economy resulted in difficult times for Canadians in 2024! Challenges have been plenty, yet the Kamloops Food Bank’s strength in leadership, the dedication of our team, and the commitment of our volunteers have ensured that we continue to meet the growing needs of our community.

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2024 By The Numbers

General Stats

2024 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Our Programs

1. Baby Bank
Supports infants with formula, diapers, baby food, and hygiene products, funded by our annual Basics for Babies event.

2. Community Meal Programs
Supplies food to 35 local agencies preparing meals, expanding community access beyond traditional food banks.

3. Farmers
Local farmers pick up expired perishable products to feed their animals, contributing to sustainable practices and supporting local agriculture.

4. foodSHARE
Recovers 23 million pounds of food, distributing to 14,000 individuals, 35 community agencies, 13 school programs, 9 smaller food banks, and 11 local farmers.

5. Menstrual Product Pilot Program
Partnership with Food Banks Canada enhances menstrual product accessibility, allowing clients to choose from a diverse range monthly.

6. On-Site Food Distribution
Serves nearly 14,000 individuals annually with monthly non-perishable hampers and weekly access to perishable items like bread, produce, meat, dairy, and deli products.

7. Regional Distribution Hub
Distributes 700,000 lbs of non-perishable food annually to our 14,000 clients and 9 other communities in the Interior, serving as a central point for food distribution.

8. School Meal Programs
Supplies nourishing options to 13 Kamloops schools, supporting students with snacks and prepared meals.

9. School Snacks
Provides weekly healthy snack packages for families with school-age children, including granola bars and fruit cups.

10. Starfish Backpacks
Delivers over 225 backpacks of nutritious food weekly to school-aged children, a collaboration between Kamloops Food Bank, SD73, Rotary, and local businesses.


Food Drives

Rotarians canvas the city during the annual spring and fall food drives in Kamloops, collecting 90,000 pounds of non-perishable food in 2023, and transitioning to eco-friendly paper bags this year.

B-100 Basics
For Babies

Hosted at the Delta Hotel by B-100 and CFJC-Midday, this event secures donations for consistent baby essentials for households with children under three.

Holiday Train

CP Holiday Train visits Kamloops, attracting 4000 attendees with performances by Tyler Shaw and Kiesza, aiming to raise awareness and gather donations for Food Banks across Canada.

Drive Thru

The Drive Thru Breakfast at Cascades Casino supports the Starfish Backpack program, providing 225 children with weekend food supply through the proceeds and various local sponsors.

Sharing Food
Feeding Hope

We are proud to offer our clients weekly access to healthy food.

Available once per week, these hampers include items such as dairy, meat, produce, bread and premade deli meals.

Single, Couple, Family
Available once per month, these non-perishable hampers are prepared in various sizes to suit different household types and include pantry staples such as rice, noodles, soup, canned meat and canned vegetables.

High Protein, Pre/Post-Natal
Clients requiring a high protein diet as indicated by their physician receive high protein items or an increased opportunity to access perishable food items.

These hampers contain items that can be opened without a can opener and products which require minimal preparation.

foodSHARE is one of the largest food recovery programs operated by a food bank in Western Canada. We now collect all close dated perishable product including dairy, meat, bread, produce and deli items from all major grocery stores in Kamloops.

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Food Distribution


  1. 7th Day Adventist (Kamloops)
  2. 7th Day Adventist (Merritt)
  3. ACT Team (Interior Health)
  4. ASK Wellness (Bridgeway)
  5. ASK Wellness (Crossroads)
  6. ASK Wellness (Lamplighter)
  7. ASK Wellness (Shop Program)
  8. ASK Wellness (Triple A)
  9. Boys & Girls Club (First Steps)
  10. Boys & Girls Club (Youth)
  11. Centre for Seniors Information
  12. Child Development Centre
  13. E-Fry Family Stepping Stone
  14. E-Fry Supportive Housing
  15. Family Resource Centre
  16. GardenGate
  17. Hopewell Clinic
  18. ICS (Babies Headstart)
  19. ICS (Mt. Paul Food Centre)
  20. ICS (Youth Street Outreach)
  21. Kamloops Native Housing
  22. LII Michif
  23. Out of the Cold
  24. Pit Stop Meal Program
  25. River of Life
  26. The Blue House Meal
  27. The Loop Program
  28. The Mustard Seed
  29. The Reach Kamloops
  30. Tk’emlúps
  31. Twin Rivers Education Centre
  32. Vision Quest


  1. AE Perry Elementary
  2. Arthur Hatton Elementary
  3. Arthur Stevenson Elementary
  4. Beattie Elementary
  5. Bert Edwards Elementary
  6. Brocklehurst Middle School
  7. Chase Secondary
  8. Dallas Elementary
  9. David Thompson Elementary
  10. First Steps Education
  11. Four Directions Secondary
  12. George Hilliard Elementary
  13. Kamloops Christian School
  14. Kamloops School of the Arts
  15. Kay Bingham Elementary
  16. KOOL School
  17. Marion Schilling Elementary
  18. Norkam Secondary
  19. Parkcrest Elementary
  20. Ralph Bell Elementary
  21. Rayleigh Elementary
  22. RL Clemitson Elementary
  23. Sahali Secondary
  24. Savona Elementary
  25. South Kamloops Secondary
  26. South Sahali Elementary
  27. Street School
  28. Summit Elementary
  29. TREC
  30. Valleyview Secondary
  31. Westmount Elementary
  32. Westsyde Elementary
  33. Westsyde Secondary
  34. Westwold Elementary

Associate Member Food Banks

  1. 100 Mile House
  2. Ashcroft
  3. Barriere
  4. Clearwater
  5. Chase
  6. Lillooet
  7. Logan Lake
  8. Merritt
  9. Valemont

Retail Supporters

  1. Costco
  2. Fresh Co.
  3. Fresh St. Market
  4. Little Caesars North Shore
  5. Little Caesars Sahali
  6. London Drugs
  7. Market Fresh
  8. Nature's Fare
  9. Nutters Everyday Naturals
  10. Safeway
  11. Sarah’s Independent Grocer
  12. Save-On-Foods Brocklehurst
  13. Save-On-Foods Lansdowne
  14. Save-On-Foods Sahali
  15. Save-On-Foods Valleyview
  16. Save-On-Foods Westsyde
  17. Shoppers Drug Mart North Shore
  18. Shoppers Drug Mart Sahali
  19. Shoppers Drug Mart Valleyview
  20. Starbucks Valleyview
  21. Superstore
  22. Sweláps Market
  23. Walmart
  24. 7-Eleven Aberdeen
  25. 7-Eleven 8th St.

Strategic Plan 2024-2026

Download the Strategic Plan

It is with respect and gratitude that the Kamloops Food Bank acknowledges our presence on Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc territory situated within the unceded ancestral lands of the Secwépemcúl̓ecw. We are committed to learning and working towards reconciliation along with fostering a culture of respect and equality for all.

We are closed Today - Nov 7 due to treacherous road conditions.